Talk: Hugh Edmund Ford; Teacher, Builder, Abbot, Spy

Event Details

Tuesday 6th July 2021
10.00am - 11.30am

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Whether they realise it or not, all members of the Downside family are familiar with the achievements of Dom Edmund Ford, under whose leadership the priory was raised to abbatial status in 1899 and who initiated the building of the choir in 1902-5. Anyone approaching the abbey church from the school or the library encounters his tomb before they can take in the magnificence of the building itself, but his true monument really is all around them. Ford resigned as abbot in 1906 and Downside’s story moved on, but the abbot himself did not die until 1930. Recent discoveries in the Downside Archive have revealed a hitherto unappreciated side to the mild-mannered monk whose poor health prompted him to undertake regular travels abroad.

This talk by Dr Stella Fletcher will delve into the unknown side of Downside’s first abbot and reveals some fascinating details of his life. 

Dr Stella Fletcher is an honorary fellow of the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, University of Warwick

Tickets must be obtained through Eventbrite by clicking here. While there is no set charge for the talk, a donation of the purchaser’s choice is required to obtain your ticket. Once you have your ticket you will receive a link to the talk on Zoom.