Ford and Gasquet: Architects of Modern Downside Online Talk

Event Details

Tuesday 1st March 2022
10.00am - 12.00pm


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Cardinal Aidan Gasquet and Abbot Ford are buried feet apart in the abbey church. These two men not only entered the church together, but they were also responsible for much of modern Downside. Not only did they steer the community through a period of constitutional reform (1880-1900), Ford and Gasquet were also key architects of the vision of Downside Abbey.

This online talk will explore the ways in which they left their mark on very fabric of the abbey church, from leaving their likeness over the doorway to the architectural decisions they made during their tenure as priors.

Tickets must be obtained through our Eventbrite page by clicking here. While there is no set charge for the talk, a donation of the purchaser’s choice is required to obtain your ticket. Once you have your ticket you will receive a link to the talk on Zoom.