Safeguarding at Downside
Downside Abbey General Trust and the monastic community of St Gregory the Great (‘the Community’) is committed to the safety and welfare of all children, young people, and vulnerable adults, and will take all necessary steps to achieve this. We acknowledge that their welfare and safety is paramount, and we will not accept any form of maltreatment or abuse of any person by any person. The monks of St Gregory the Great are no longer resident on site, having left Downside Abbey, in March 2022 for Southgate House on the Buckfast Abbey estate.
Downside Abbey General Trust and the Community is guided by the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA), a professional standards body with regulatory powers with a commitment to working to a standards based approach and transparency and accountability to upholding the standards.
The policies established by the CSSA are adapted as part of the ‘One Church Approach’ to safeguarding. The Catholic Church of England and Wales provides a wide range of services for children and adults and members of the Church have an important role in safeguarding and supporting adults, children, and families.
Downside Abbey’s Community and staff have access to regular safeguarding training, monitored by CSSA, as well as engaging with the EduCare Programme which provides the Community with an eLearning package and raises awareness throughout the wider community of safeguarding. This is available to all members of the Catholic community.
The Community of St Gregory the Great has its own safeguarding sub-committee of trustees which meets quarterly and otherwise as necessary to assist the Abbey in adhering to the standards. The committee is supported by the Safeguarding Coordinator and has independent membership involving statutory agencies and is independently chaired.
The Safeguarding Coordinator is Andrew Kings who can be contacted either by email or phone: email address is or call 01364 645577
For further information please visit Buckfast’s website here.
For access to CSSA please visit their website here.
For information about EduCare, please visit their website here.