Perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
03 Nov 2017
Following a beautiful All Saints’ Day Mass celebrated by the Prior, Dom Leo, a separate service was held in the Crypt Chapel to commission Adorers to pray before the Blessed Sacrament. The Chapel was overflowing, with standing room only at the back.
From 1 November to 3 December 2017, Perpetual Adoration will be held in the Crypt Chapel, otherwise known as St Peter’s Chapel. The Adorers are praying to discern their own Vocations, but at the same time will be thinking and praying for all of those young Catholic adults attending the Vocation Discernment Retreat from 1 to 3 December, details of which you can see here.

The Crypt of Downside Abbey
Everyone is welcome to join the Adorers and the Monastic Community in the Crypt Chapel. If you would like to add your name to the rota of Adorers, please let Rina, the organiser, know ( There are about 100 people on the rota so far, but as over 20 are needed every single day, the more people who are involved, the easier it will be to keep the 24-hours per day rota going.

Find out how you can take part
Dom Leo explains why it’s happening and how you can take part:
Click here for details on how to get to the Abbey Church.