Recent Projects
Restoration of the Grade I listed Abbey Church is an ongoing process and costs millions. Likewise the incredible collections of books and manuscripts in the Monastery Library charting our history need to be kept safe and made more accessible.
Ten years ago the Abbey Church was in desperate need of restoration; The roofs all leaked, the ingress of water had damaged all the internal stone, the Tower was closed and deemed unsafe and the dilapidation was ongoing. In the last ten years we have replaced the Lady Chapel Roof, all the gallery chapel roofs including St Benedict’s Chapel and our most recent project was the repair of the Abbey Church Tower. All this has been made possible through fundraising but we need more help.
The Monastery Library and Archives were in need of preservation with damp and mould beginning to invade the collections. We embarked on a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund to help us save the collections, make them available to a wider audience and make the building fit for purpose with modern temperature and humidity controls.