Sub Prior celebrates the Easter Liturgy in Patagonia
29 Apr 2016
“My visit to Chile was a time of great blessing. It proved to be a rest, a retreat, a holiday and a pastoral opportunity. The extraordinary kindness of all who cared for me cannot be overstated and I have much for which to be grateful.
The country is most unusual: long and narrow with spectacular scenery everywhere. Ice-fields, glaciers, melt-waters, lakes and volcanos abound. Strange birds, trees, flowers and animals are a delight to the eyes and to the senses, and almost every day was a new experience in some special way.
I was not a typical tourist in that I had been invited out to Chile to celebrate the Easter Liturgy in Patagonia and throughout my trip the element of surprise was never far away! The young people at the Retreat Centre were a joy to meet with parties, picnics and prayers all following swiftly on from one another. There was even a chance to do some carpentry: fine joint work, with the aid of a chain-saw, was new to me but I rose valiantly to the challenge!
Whilst I cherish the happiest memories of my time in South America, and keep so many friends in my heart, it is also good to be back in the Mendip Hills and to be in the Abbey Church at dawn.”
Dom Michael Clothier, Sub-Prior