22 Nov 2019
Our most recent ‘Klosterzeitler’ left us today. Fabio, from Switzerland, has spent three months living and working alongside the Downside Community.
He has done some tremendous work revarnishing and painting a number of the monastery doors, as well as helping in the gardens and carpentry shop. He returns to Einsiedeln Abbey in Switzerland to report on his experiences and to prepare for the next three months in Monserrat Abbey, Spain. We wish him well!
‘Klosterzeit’ is a project hosted by Einsiedeln Abbey, Switzerland, that enables young German-speaking men to spend time in Benedictine Abbeys in different parts of the world as a sort of ‘gap’ experience. They live and work with the monastic community and are given the opportunity to grow in faith and to consider what direction their life may take.
You can read about another of our Klosterzeitlers by clicking here.