Last weekend it was wonderful to welcome to Downside Abbey a group of men to our Catholic retreat – Making Time for God.

Retreatants had the opportunity to break from the bustle of their usual weekend routines and make time to consider the place of prayer in daily life. Various members of the Downside monastic community gave talks on the Divine Office, Contemplative Prayer and Lectio Divina and, as well as formal input, there was time to think about life, to pray, read, walk in the gardens and meet other people trying to live out their faith in everyday life.

‘I’d like to express my truly heartfelt thanks to all … at Downside who took so much care and time to instruct, feed, house and be so wonderfully welcoming and friendly with us. I have discovered another place to call a ‘spiritual home” – Retreater from Making Time for God, April 2019 

For details of upcoming retreats at Downside, please keep an eye on our social media, (twitter, Facebook, Instagram). They are also listed on our website at Some of our retreats are aimed at men considering a possible vocation to priesthood or religious life, whilst others are more general in scope. 

To find out more about Catholic retreats, please visit: