On Sunday, 30th June, Father Michael joined the thousands of festival-goers at Glastonbury in Somerset to celebrate Mass in the Church Tent. 

From Fr Michael:
“This year about 250,000 people attended the Festival and it was, therefore, an opportunity for Gospel outreach, which I readily grasped. Great trouble was taken to arrange for me to park by the Tent, an unheard of privilege, I was told. The Fire Officer designated my car a fire engine, which made me – temporarily – a fireman! I was struck at once by the friendly atmosphere everywhere, and by the cheerfulness and kindness of all the officials on my arrival.

I found the Tent already prepared for Mass by an Anglican clergyman, who knows our tradition. The hymns were accompanied by musicians from non-Catholic backgrounds and were beautifully sung. I was also delighted to meet plenty of old friends and former pupils at the Mass.

My habit was much admired throughout the day and I was told “You look as if you might be real!

Fine, sunny weather made this year’s Festival particularly successful and I was glad to have the chance to hear the famous Langa Methodist Choir from South Africa rehearsing for their appearance on the Pyramid Stage.”

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