Dom Leo in Little Malvern

Last weekend Dom Leo was delighted to go our parish of St Wulstan, Little Malvern, to celebrate their patronal feast. The visit afforded him the opportunity to catch up with Dom Edward, the parish priest, and to meet a number of parishioners.

In his sermon, he referred to St Wulstan’s habit of reciting his office on horseback while riding around his diocese; he took the opportunity to recommend Universalis, the website that makes the Prayer of the Church readily available and is much more portable than a medieval manuscript. He also expressed his appreciation of the new lighting, for which a generous grant was received from the Sir Harold Hood Charitable Trust.

If you’re keen to learn more about St Wulstan, and the parish in Little Malvern, we recommend the history of Little Malvern Parish, published by Downside Abbey Press. As a special offer, in celebration of his feast day we are offering a 20% discount (until 28th February). Click here to order the book and enter malvern20 at the checkout to redeem the offer.