27 Oct 2021
It has been fourteen months since St Gregory’s voted to leave Stratton-on-the-Fosse and during this period we have continued to pray, discern and discuss what sort of move we should make. Since the easing of restrictions, we have also been able to visit and share in the life of other monasteries. Community discussions favoured a ‘stepping stone’ move from here before making a permanent decision about the future.
We will be moving to Southgate House, in the grounds of Buckfast Abbey, Devon, where we will live as the Community of St Gregory the Great. During this last week, Chapter meetings of both our communities formally discussed and unanimously approved this move. The temporary move to Southgate in the spring will allow us the opportunity and space to consider how best to move forward to a permanent new home.
We are grateful to the Buckfast community for generously offering us a place where we can continue to live as a united community and discern where God is calling us next. Please continue to keep the community in your prayers.