Bristol University Partnership
As part of our ongoing development the Heritage Department has a working relationship with the University of Bristol in cataloguing our Rare Book Collection.
Dr Benjamin Pohl has written for The Downside Review on the two Lambach manuscripts and liturgical culture. You can download his article here.
Professor Carolyn Muessig has been working on our Glossa ordinaria.
Downside Abbey possesses an exquisite example of an early thirteenth-century French glossed Bible. This particular glossed Bible features books that traditionally were attributed to Solomon: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles and Wisdom. It contains gold leaf as seen here with the initial letter ‘P’ of the Latin biblical verse of Proverbs 1:1: ‘Parabole Salomonis filii David regis Israel.’ It is just one of the many medieval treasures of Downside Abbey.
With Bristol University we will be cataloguing the Abbey’s medieval manuscripts for wider accessibility.
For further details of the Bristol Partnership e-mail, Dr Simon Johnson, here.
17 May 2018